Digital Alchemy

Digital Alchemy

Digital Alchemy Hero

Lead Product Designer

Scope of Work
User Research, iOS App Design, Prototyping, UX Design, UI Design, Visual Design, Interaction Design

Digital Alchemy uses the power of mobile technology to connect house hunters and homeowners with financial professionals. Polish the UX/UI for bank loan iOS app

Opportunity. Digital Alchemy is a white label financial product for real estate brokers and agents. It non-intrusively guides home owners and house hunters through each stage of the home financing process with in-depth information uncommonly found in tools for mass markets.

Approach. We worked with Digital Alchemy to create a sleek visual identity, with matching collateral and a white label app customized for each financial institution.

Outcome. The mark, formed by two sets of rising bars, create an "A" for Alchemy. Given the name, gold was an obvious choice for their primary brand color; it's contrasted nicely with a stately navy blue to give the brand a confident, professional foundation.

Digital Alchemy Logotype
Digital Alchemy Logomark White
DigitalAlchemy Pitch Deck
Digital Alchemy Signage
Digital Alchemy Website App Duo
DigitalAlchemy One Sheet White

Little Green Light

Little Green Light

A cloud-based donor management platform provides nonprofits with simple, approachable tech tools to maximize fundraising efforts.

LGL Hero

Brand Strategy, Visual Identity Design Refresh, Website Design, Copywriting, Design, Illustration

Brand Refresh, Brand Expansion, Website Design, Marketing Collateral

After ten years in business, Little Green Light had gained outstanding recognition in the nonprofit world. To accelerate signups, they decided it was time to enlist outside help to express their fun personality and consolidate their message.

Working in-depth with the executive team, we pulled together their values and individual personalities into a simple, potent identity. We paid special attention to the user experience on their website to guide visitors through the product features and benefits, and removing obstacles to encourage user sign-ups.

We expanded their new identity across a variety of marketing collateral, including a custom responsive WordPress website, complete with humorous illustrations and eye-catching animations, as well as digital and printed collateral, including trade show exhibits, one sheets and online ads.

LGL Web Pages

LGL Migrate Data

LGL Logo wMark Lg

LGL Screen Illustrations

LGL Badges & Icons

LGL One Sheet

LGL Banner_Booth



A unique social platform makes it possible for corporations of all sizes to run affordable user validation tests in a fraction of the time of traditional focus groups.

Digsite Hero

Collateral Design, Illustration

Brand Expansion

Building off their existing logo and color palette, we helped Digsite polish and expand their visual identity into Keynote presentation templates, marketing collateral and custom icons and illustrations.

Digsite One Sheet

Digsite PDF

Digsite Presentation Half

Digsite Banner

We illustrated custom icons that could be used in a variety of formats for their printed and digital collateral.

Digsite Icons

CloudMunch Website

CloudMunch Website

CloudMunch is an ambitious team working to tame the complex world of DevOps with their unifying web app, integrations and template tools.

Cloudmunch Hero

UX Design, Website Design, Illustration

Brand Expansion, Website Design, Product Development

We worked with CloudMunch through multiple iterations of their marketing website and app. We created everything from their interface, to the individual product icons and their illustrated onboarding process and product diagrams.

CloudMunch Website Tour

We designed the website to be flexible so the layout could accommodate new products as they were developed. We created a series of icons for each product and illustrated how the products could be used together with other platforms and coding languages.

Cloudmunch Website Products

Cloudmunch Branded Spot Illustrations

Cloudmunch Product Launch

Cloudmunch Website Products Expansion

Cloudmunch Product Diagram

Visitors jump from the website directly into signing up for an account and starting their first project. The illustrated step-by-step instructions show users how to use the app as they progress through the account setup process.

CloudMunch Account Setup

CloudMunch App

See the work we did for the CloudMunch app interface.

CloudMunch App

CloudMunch App

An ambitious team developed a platform to tame the complex world of DevOps with their unifying web app, integrations and template tools.

Cloudmunch App Hero

UX Design, Illustration

Brand Expansion, Product Launch, Web Application

We worked with CloudMunch through multiple iterations of their marketing website and app platform. This included designing everything from their individual product icons to their multi-step onboarding process and illustrated product diagrams.

Because of the quick turnaround times for their product releases and their established image in the market, we didn't stray far from their original look and feel. We made gradual updates to their color palette, graphics and layouts, and consulted on their use of language and user experience to create a polished and simplified presentation for increased user adoption.

Within months of our work together, CloudMunch was able to be acquired by JFrog.

Cloudmunch Workspace

Cloudmunch Hub

Cloudmunch Dashboard

Cloudmunch Workspace Progress Tiles

Cloudmunch Templates

Cloudmunch UX Tiles

The CloudMunch application featured a Workspace, Integration Hub and Dashboard. We simplified their user interface and unified their color palette to create a clean, uncluttered work environment for developers.

Cloudmunch Dashboard

Cloudmunch Dashboard Modal

We illustrated custom icons to depict each of their products and distinct sections within their application.

Cloudmunch Product Buttons

Cloudmunch App Menu Icons

Cloudmunch Product Icons 1


In addition to redesigning their user interface, we helped them streamline user onboarding.

CloudMunch Account Setup

We illustrated clear step-by-step visuals to help new users get started with their first project.

Cloudmunch App Setup

CloudMunch Website

See the work we did for the CloudMunch marketing website.



Quietyme developed technology to resolve noise complaints before they even happen. Over the course of their rapid business development, we supported Quietyme's growth with copywriting, design and illustrations to position their brand as a real contender in three verticals.

Branding & Identity Design, Responsive Website Design, Collateral, Illustration

Brand Launch, Collateral Design, Website Design

Through two accelerators, and thanks to their dedicated founding team, Quietyme grew into a respected brand as the guardians of peace and quiet. We supported them from their very early stages while they were still distilling their ideas and designing their prototypes. Over the course of a few years, we supported the launch of their products in the healthcare, hospitality and property management verticals. Their "Internet of Things" includes a configurable web app, base station and sensors.

The concept of quiet and the glowing sensor lights became the focus of their visual identity. We set aside large areas of white space in their layouts to provide a calm space in contrast with the colorful gradients that mimic the glowing sensor lights. The friendly fonts and color combinations create an approachable image for this high-tech shushing system that helps organizations provide more peaceful environments and gain favor in their industries.

Quietyme Logo

The logomark is the letter “Q” shaped by four walls of a room. Its shape is also similar to a chat icon to highlight the communicative nature of the device to building managers.

Quietyme Hardware

We drew their base station and sensors as realistic vector illustrations so they could be scaled to any size and be placed on any colored background throughout their collateral with total flexibility.

Quietyme Diagram

Each room is outfitted with a noise-detecting sensor that warns occupants when they get too loud. Breaches are reported in real-time to management to prevent complaints.

Quietyme icons
Quietyme Case Study Diagram_web_white

"Few designers understand and support business the way Kari does. We trust her with our most important projects, from our logo design to our investor pitch decks, and we lean on her professional guidance for our brand. She created materials that impress all of our clients, even the ones that currently work with the GE's and Samsungs of the world."

John Bialk, Founder & CEO
Quietyme Presentation
Quietyme Website Verticals Desktop
Quietyme Brochures

"We’ve seen the wisdom in working with someone who understands branding and startups from the beginning. Kari makes it easy to work quickly and effectively. She is our go-to person in many matters not even directly related to design. She has never let us down."

John Bialk, Founder & CEO



This rapidly growing health data integration company is on a mission to improve healthcare experiences by powering a lean, developer-friendly platform.

Redox Hero@2x

Brand Strategy, Visual Identity Design, Website Design, Website Development, Product Design, Product Development, Print Design, Marketing Collateral, Advertisement Design, Illustration

Branding, Marketing, Website Design & Development, Product Design & Development

When Redox first approached us to refine their visual identity, their team was only five strong. We supported their growth by operating as an extension of their team, providing strategic creative services ranging from illustration to product development. By year five, their total funding grew to $60 million and their staff count increased to 172 people.

Redox Bus Cards 2019@2x
Redox Hoodie
Redox TShirts 2019@2x
Redox Presentation@2x
Redox Lg Whitepaper Covers Copy@2x
Redox Whitepaper Bare Necessities@2x
Redox Bare Necessities Promo@2x

We amplified their desire for clean, minimalist design with bold patterns, friendly fonts and a dynamic color palette to express their upbeat culture and driven attitude.

Redox Podcast Sound Waves

The Redox Podcast Launch

See the work we did for the Redox Podcast launch, including music selection, templated graphics and landing pages.

Seattle In Progress Web App

Seattle In Progress

Seattle in Progress tracks construction projects throughout Seattle from application to completion, giving local residents and businesses a way to stay informed at each step of the process, right from their phones.

Seattle In Progress Web App

Visual Identity Refresh, UX Design

Brand Expansion, Online Ads, Responsive Web App, White Label App Extension

Seattle is currently one of the most rapidly growing cities in America. Construction projects have become a normal part of everyday conversation, and with that, the desire to know what's being built downtown, down the street, or even right next door. Beyond providing information to satisfy curiosities, Seattle in Progress can also notify users of new projects, giving naysayers the chance to appeal for changes to construction plans that might create unfair or unappealing living situations.

We worked with them to revamp their marketing website, improve the user experience design for the responsive web app, and extend it as a white label solution for businesses. They were able to double their business as a result.

SiP Ads

SiP Construction Abstract 2b Light

SiP Construction Abstract Light

SiP Revised Menus

By making the web app responsive, users can view details about construction projects as they encounter them throughout Seattle.

SiP Mobile View

We helped Seattle in Progress develop a white-label version of their app to generate a new revenue stream.

SiP White Label Map View

SiP White Label 3-up

Mobile Doorman Branding

Mobile Doorman Branding

Mobile Doorman is a white-label app for high-end residential property managers and residents.

Mobile Doorman Hero

Brand Strategy, Identity Design Refresh, Responsive Website Design, Copywriting, Printed and Digital Marketing Campaigns

Brand Refresh, Brand Expansion, Website Design, Marketing Support

Mobile Doorman was a brand new company. We worked with them from square one, starting with their brand strategy and visual identity, and carrying it through to their marketing collateral and app.

Our work included copywriting and design services for all of their marketing materials and digital products, including their marketing website, web app and iOS and Android app.

Over the course of 2014, Mobile Doorman built momentum as their products were adopted in over twenty high-end residential buildings across the United States. Years later, they continue to grow and be featured in leading real estate tech news sources, attracting top talent and an impressive national portfolio of clients.



Mobile Doorman Website Home

MD Ads

Mobile Doorman Website Home Pitch

MD Pitch Deck2

Mobile Doorman App

See the work we did for the Mobile Doorman app.