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When Redox first approached me to establish their visual identity as a contractor, their team was only five strong. I supported their growth by operating as an extension of their team for three years, providing strategic creative services ranging from illustration to product development. My work centered around developing their brand presence online and in trade shows across the US. I hired and directed two engineers, a senior graphic designer and a copywriter to assist me in building out everything from their marketing website, to recruiting materials, and developer documentation.

By year five, their total funding grew to $60 million and their staff count increased to 172 people. I was hired as their Creative Director and only designer. My work expanded to include UI/UX design for their core product—a healthcare interoperability platform—as well as fleshing out a library of branded templates for customer success, sales enablement, and product marketing. I conducted user research to explore use cases and ideal market segments. Just as I was shifting to product design, layoffs affecting 25% of the company halted work. I sought out product design positions thereafter.

Product Design

Healthcare Interoperability Platform

UI/UX enhancements to transition to Vue

Redox Podcast Portfolio Feature
Product Design

Redox Podcast

Orchestrated integration and workflow for launch

Product Design

Healthcare Interoperability Platform

UI/UX enhancements to transition to Vue

Product Design

Redox Podcast

Orchestrated integration and workflow for launch